some dark rose colored glasses...

Mar 22, 2010

This weekend there was

OH my goodness was there sunshine.
I'm pretty sure I was barely inside at all for all the day on Saturday.

One of the points I was inside, Bonnie was trying to pick out prescription sunglasses ... which eventually led me to browse for a new pair of frames. I think I tried on about 40 pair -- and I fell in love with one.

See, I've worn glasses since my sophomore year of high school (almost 10 years ago) and I'm still wearing my original frames ... so I'm thinking about new ones and I found some that I'm terribly in love with. They're a little pricey -- but I think I've proven I can take care of my glasses.

So here they are:
They're Burberry for LensCrafters and I'm in love.

Here's what they look like on: 

 {nice claw hand, i know. you're all jealous.}

So, what do y'all think?
I'm totally in love...maybe for my birthday...maybe with my (hopeful) tax return.

Other than glasses there was SUNSHINE, singing, laughing, sitting out on the deck reading, SUNSHINE, snuggling, watching golfers really suck, friends, boyfriend, lunch, more laughing, did i mention--SUNSHINE, ice cream, hot wings, driving with the windows down, basketball, video games, cute outfits, and just general happiness. Which felt SO good to me.

But, more importantly -- how was your weekend?!
Mine was really great. Really great.



  1. They're lovely! Really suit you :)
    I get bored with my glasses after a year i dont know how you've coped for 10!!

  2. Those glasses look awesome on you lady. And they're totally making me want some new specs!

  3. Those look gorgeous on you!!! They fit your face perfectly and I am loving the splash of color. I want new glasses, but my insurance only covers the ones at Walmart, and their selection is ROUGH to say the least! Get em' :)

  4. hot hot hot!! I love love LOVE IT!!! buy. them. :)

  5. I likey!!! You look cute...claw hand and all.

    I need a good pair of reddish glasses. May have to check this lenscrafter place out. Hey btw have you checked online? I always find way better deals there.

  6. I vote YES on the glasses. A solid, definite YES. :)

  7. I'm all about Burberry! Obsessed. I love these glasses. They make me wish I had bad eye sight just so I can buy them.

  8. Awesome glasses. Everyone is getting them and I need to as well so I can stop asking people what that sign over there says.

    Car trouble weekend. Yikes!Not a good one.


  9. CUTE!!
    My weekend was meh. I can't stop writing about it.

  10. those glasses are great! the colour isn't too much. I've always been intimidated by colourful ones

  11. I love them.
    And they are making me want some new glasses. Maybe I would wear them more if I liked mine.


  12. oh btw, i envy your bangs! mine never cooperate like that.

  13. You look so cute! I need some new frames toooo

  14. Love them! Love them! Love them! You should by them! Thanks for the email! I've been meaning to write you back! Someday it will happen...I promise!

  15. I only wish you would have made a "Rawr!" face in that picture. Haha :)

    I think they look super cute on you & you should totally buy them... I mean 10 years- that's commitment. It's time for some newbies!

  16. love the glasses!!! is this a pic at BYU??


i've said my piece, now you get to say yours...