The One Where I Fancy Myself a Hairstylist

May 29, 2012

Here's a secret: I LOVE doing hair. I love curling other people's hair, braiding, straightening, pinning up, all of it. I'm not always great at doing my own hair because I have LOADS of it (seriously, it takes me 20+ min just to blow it dry), but I love experimenting with new styles and new ways to do my hair.

A few weeks ago I saw a picture on pinterest (that I can't find now) and decided to try the style on my own.
Here were my results.

After that I got so many comments asking me how to do it, I decided to do something entirely embarrassing, but definitely informative.
A vlog.

Yep. So here I am in all my quirky glory.
And I'm serious -- if you have more questions, shoot em at me!

And it even looks good with curls. That's one of my favorite summery go-tos.

Good Luck!



i've said my piece, now you get to say yours...