hurry, hurry, hurry there's no time to dilly dally.

Feb 16, 2010

This week I'm training a new producer, a reporter, and an intern ... as well as changing formats of shows and creating a new template for better "flow".  
Oh and it's sweeps (super ratings period). 

Sound busy? 
It is. 
So, literally, it's not that I don't love you ... I DO. 
I'm just up to my eyes in training manuals and news copy. 

So if the comments are lacking, I'm SO sorry. I'll pick them back up soon!

Love you all!


  1. I've been the same way. Being busy is tough on the blogging...but we do try don't we.
    Come back to us soon...*smile*

  2. I hope you made it through your busy week and are ready for a cocktail tomorrow!


i've said my piece, now you get to say yours...