winner, winner, blog friends should come to dinner!

Jan 15, 2010

So...I have 51 followers!
How/when did that happen!?!
And only a portion of you know me in real life ... and for that I am sorry!
{I keed ... I keed.}

I'm actually sorry I don't know you all of you in real life.
You seem are awesome.
I can tell.
So, because we don't get to see each other all the time ... I'm gonna do something fun. 

Seriously. Anything.
{within reason -- no social security #s my friends, sorry.} 
And I will answer it.

All you non-commenters and lurkers -- come on out. 
I wanna get to know you!
And I want you got get to know me!
But friends, don't be shy, feel free to ask away, too! 

So, ask away my dears.
And I will answer!



  1. just stopping by to let you know there's an award with your name on it on my blog! come see and have a great day! xoxo, sarah

  2. Bud light or Miller Lite? Ryan Reynolds or Brad Pitt? Will you be my friend?

  3. Hmmm....

    When's the last time you laughed so hard your stomach hurt?
    Do you prefer cats or dogs (or both)?
    If you could go ANYWHERE in the world RIGHT NOW all expenses paid where would it be?
    Which celeb are you crushing on right now?

  4. Ahhh! I you are awesome as well.

    What book is your favorite and what about it make it so?

  5. hi!

    i'm your newest follower... i was #51 yesterday.

    my question is:

    what is your favorite thing about oregon?

    favorite thing about eugene?

    what's something you do when you think nobody is watching?

  6. Cute idea.
    Tell me if you have ever been in love. And how it felt.


  7. im number 52!!!!

    so... dish us about your boy toy!! thats what I want to know about!!!

  8. Are you living out your dreams right now? And congrats on the blogging milestone!

  9. i hate when people ask me to ask them something because i always get the biggest brain fart and can't think of anything. sorry...

    uhhhh...who was your first crush?

    does that work?


i've said my piece, now you get to say yours...