I Want Wednesday

Feb 24, 2010

So I'm doing this to make me happy.
{in any small way it can}

Lately I'm craving BETTER storage in my room for some of my clothes and odds and ends.
I can't seem to find exactly what I'm looking for though.
Here's the basic concept:

But I'd prefer if the shelves were black or white.
With these kinds of bins:

Both from Pottery Barn Teen.

I found these here. I LOVE them. 
Puzzle Pieces have a very very special meaning in my life -- so I've kind of become a connoisseur of puzzle piece paraphernalia. 
PLUS you can make a giant sandwich of a whole bunch of other ones!

And these shoes. I have a thing for Vans laceups lately. And I love love love love love those slip on flats at the bottom. And apparently I love the same colors for everything. Except the green and yellow ones -- totally belong to my growing duck pride.

Also, I need more cardigans.
I have a bunch of long ones -- I need some waist length ones, too.
I'm having a hard time finding ones I like.  Here are a few:

granted, the last one is a jacket ... but i LOVE it. 
three sweaters -- old navy. jacket -- shade clothing.

What do you want this Wednesday? 


showin off my feetsees

Feb 23, 2010

One of my favorite bloggers, Nicole over at My Teacups In Peony, has started a weekly posting trend I REALLY LOVE.

I take a lot of them. 

In fact, last night I went to take one of my new highlighter pink toesies ... but my camera battery is dead. 
Woh Wohhhh. hahahaha. 

So here's my Tuesday feet photo.


Me and miss Lyndsi Shae at the coast when she visited last April. 
She's the super tan one ... I'm the ghost white one (yay pasty!). 

I love love love the coast. I have so many pictures of my feet in the water. LOVE IT.

all the single ladies...

Feb 19, 2010

Being single drives a lot of people crazy.

For me, it was always just fairly normal as I was hard pressed to find someone who didn't annoy the freaking crap outta me.
But anyway... 
These are two ladies who CRACK ME THE FREAK UP in their quest to find men.

Just a warning note ... this is COMPLETELY REAL. Which I thinks makes it even sadder.
And her laugh -- that would make me run away quicker than anything.

As for this girl, she is so desperate to get her man back she employs her secret weapon:
She scares the crap outta me because she's filming, driving, smiling, lipsticking ALL AT ONCE. 

What, my friends, is cracking you up today? 
Got any good stories?


att should pay ME for how much i use my phone.

Feb 18, 2010

My phone is named Maurice.
He's cute, slidy, easy to use
{hence being named after a Frenchman}

Sometimes we are the best of friends and he performs at optimal level. 
Sometimes he wants to ruin my life, my plans, and/or relationships. 

See, my little Propel, well he's talented, I'll give him that. He pulls tricks I've never had a phone pull.

He tells the future.
No seriously.
He's supposed to be linked to some big major clock ... and so sometimes when my clock says 8:35 (for instance), I'll receive a text message saying it was sent at 8:36 or 8:37.
He apparently just knows what people texting me are going to say -- and says it for them, labeling the message from them.

Maurice throws his voice.
Sometimes just before getting a text (I'm a recovering textaholic) it'll make a phantom noise that sounds like it's coming from the other side of the room ... and then he'll ding the message in wherever he actually is. 

Sometimes he gets just way too tired to be used, even though he was operating just moments before -- and decides to cease service, or delay my messages for hours. Yeah, hours. 

I've never been super lucky with phones ... and for the most part I really do like this one.
And I LOVE that I have the ability to talk to my family and friends at any given time -- I just wish my phone wasn't full of dark magic ... or so much attitude.

But! My sister did send me a message earlier and all it said was: 
"my sister is a noodle. 1:50pm"

And that is one of the many reasons I'm so grateful for modern communication and the chance I have to keep in touch so easily.

I hope you're having a GREAT day.

wednesday with no siovhan words...

Feb 17, 2010

“she belonged to me,” chris said simply. “she was, you know, all the things i wasn’t. and i was all the things she wasn’t. she could paint circles around anyone; i can’t even draw a straight line. she was never into sports; i’ve always been.” chris lifted his outstretched palm and curled his fingers. “her hand,” he said. “it fit mine.”

{j. picoult - the pact}

hurry, hurry, hurry there's no time to dilly dally.

Feb 16, 2010

This week I'm training a new producer, a reporter, and an intern ... as well as changing formats of shows and creating a new template for better "flow".  
Oh and it's sweeps (super ratings period). 

Sound busy? 
It is. 
So, literally, it's not that I don't love you ... I DO. 
I'm just up to my eyes in training manuals and news copy. 

So if the comments are lacking, I'm SO sorry. I'll pick them back up soon!

Love you all!

memories all alone in the moonlight...

Feb 15, 2010

{via we heart it}
Music is SUCH a big part of me.
It's a HUGE part of my day, my mood, my life, my heart. 

Lyrics, melodies, beats ... all of it.
A song can conjure up memories, can induce heart pounding emotion, can make me smile, tear, laugh, or just plain rock out.
For me music connects me to the world, and connects people to me.
{In fact, musical passion is requisite for anyone wishing to share their life with me, i.e. boyfriends, future husband, etc.} 
I know I've discussed my passion for music before ... and likely will again.

I think we all have songs that are connected to a moment ... a time... a person ... a memory.
Heck, I have entire artists and albums that have these kinds of attachments. 
In some cases, they're WONDERFUL. In others, hearing the first few bars of that song can make my stomach turn. 

In High School on a retreat with some friends from church we were driving around Boston on the way back from the Museum of Art, my mom's friend Carrie (and my friend, too) told me and my high school BFF Holly all about this time she and her friend learned a song, playing it on repeat, so that every time they heard it the would think of that particular trip. So she decided to do the same thing with us. She picked Dixie Chicks' Cowboy Take Me Away ... and to this day, I have it on my iPod just to remind me of this trip and when I hear it ... I always think about driving past the opera house in Carrie's forest green Jeep Cherokee. 

In a different vein the song Big Casino by Jimmy Eat World almost instantly makes my stomach lurch...as it reminds me of the worst boyfriend I've ever had. It was his ringtone on my phone and even now it haunts me. That boy almost ruined Jimmy for me -- but I decided not to give him that power ... and plus I love Jimmy way too much. 

Bleeding Love by Leona Lewis ... will forever remain attached to my dad ... and Megan. During my last summer in Utah, this song played on constant repeat on EVERY local radio station. And during a visit from my dad we would hear it ALL.THE.TIME. And each time it came on (and I'm not kidding) my dad would say, "Did you know Simon Cowell discovered her?" This has also led to quite the running joke in my family with Simon Cowell now inventing or discovering everything from electricity to global warming to love to ... well everything. 

Megan has SO many songs attached to SOOOO many memories (that's what happens when you're together for so long) including Damaged by Danity Kane, to Disturbia, to The Sounds. I can NEVER hear the sounds without thinking of Meg. She had them on repeat for like six months. 

Andante Festivo by Sibelius always makes me think of Josh. That kid has more musical talent, as well as discipline, in his fingernail than I could ever hope to possess. This always reminds me of the first concert I ever went to where he performed -- and I loved love loved this piece.

Jessica Simpson's AWFUL rendition on Take My Breath Away reminds me of my middle school/high school BFF, Holly. One night we listened to it screaming it at the top of our lungs out her open car windows. And it was late. And we live in a small town. I'm actually surprised that someone's parents didn't tell on us. Holly also gets Invisible by Clay Aiken -- because we did the most amazing INTERPRETIVE DANCE to it. Seriously. Senior showcase at church -- and Holly and I dressed up like morons to move around like even bigger morons. I just hope there's no tape of that anywhere in the free world. 

23 by Jimmy Eat World always makes me think of my trip to Disneyland. It was the song I woke up to when we hit Nevada and had to stop for gas. 

The Resolution by Jack's Mannequin was playing the first time I realized I finally felt at home in Eugene -- and that I wanted to be here. 

Kate Voegele's It's Only Life was on the radio as my mom and I drove through Portland when I was moving here. We were having an intense heart to heart about life, my move, me growing up, and everything. This song was the perfect score to that moment. It made us both tear up.

What songs make you think of people/places/moments in your life? 
I'd REALLY love to know.


not that one, this one!

Feb 12, 2010

My grandparents are hysterical people. 
{I don't tell them often enough just how great they are.}
As I was looking through design blogs today, I was reminded of this fact.

My grandpa is a retired school teacher/administrator -- who just can't settle down. He's retired multiple times and now spends most of his time STILL WORKING. He is not one able to sit still. But is the most tender hearted man I've ever met.

My grandma, still writes for the local newspaper (let's be honest -- she IS the local newspaper). She watches, manages, and generally entertains SO many of the grandkids on a daily basis. She's a spitfire, that one.

Well a couple of years ago, after all the kids had moved out, they decided it was time for a revamp on the house. So they figured out what they were going to do with each room and started moving forward. When it came time to choose paint, that's where the shenanigans began. 

You see, my grandma is an extremely chipper person, the only one I know with an actual sing-song voice. And as a factor in her sunny personality -- her favorite color is yellow. She loves it. There is so much yellow in her house, it makes you instantly feel happier upon entrance.

Well, Grammy decided she wanted her kitchen {her domain} to be yellow. In her mind, the thought a pale yellow, maybe sunflower at most -- something to accent the light counter tops and just bring some pep into the room. Grandpa would have NONE of this. He said if you want yellow, you're getting yellow. So he ventured to the hardware store, picked out yellow paint, and covered the entire kitchen in this color:

Well, Grammy got her yellow kitchen.
And Grandpa proved his point. 

And that my friends, is how my Grammy ended up with a highlighter yellow kitchen.


accentuating what you really love...

Feb 6, 2010

My girl Mandy is counting down the days to Valentines by naming all the things she fell in love with.
And then she posed opportunity for us all to join in.
What was your first love?
(Could be a person, place, thing, activity ... the possibilities are limitless.}

So. I decided to share some of my heart with you. All good and vulnerable like.
My first love, I believe, was sunshine.
I remember, as a very small child, I remember laying outside on a blanket in our yard in Provo just basking in the sunshine. Even more so I remember seeing pictures of myself doing that very thing. But beyond my love of literal sunshine, my momma has ALWAYS called me sunshine. The word holds a special place in my heart. As a child she would sing "You Are My Sunshine" to me all the time. Nowadays, when I'm really down or when I'm feelin kinda lonely, I'll sing it to myself {or at least hum it to myself}. I collect it on art/jewelry/clothes like nobody's business.

The best part? I know I really was/am my momma's sunshine. I knew without any doubt that I was her entire world -- and that she would do ANYTHING for me, for any of us. Sunshine, the name and the big lunar mass, were likely my first love.

Then came music.
Some of my earliest memories involve music. We're a TERRIBLY musical family -- from pop, rock, classic crooners, and soul ... to broadway and old school movie musicals. There was always music in my house (and, usually, with it--dancing). My mom would sing all kinds of songs with us throughout each day. Dad brought the goods -- i.e. Phil Collins. I have powerful and strong memories about singing the Phantom of the Opera with my dad -- who has the most BEAUTIFUL baritone voice. I would sing with him any day. The man can't read music -- but play a song for him once and he'll know the melody forever. My mom has a gorgeous voice -- the most soothing sound in my tiny child world.

I would sing anything and EVERYTHING throughout the house. (Then at one point I decided I wanted to be an Opera singer -- wow, my family regrets me discovering that.) The older I got, the more music became my release. From choirs, to competitions, to instruments, lessons and performances -- I channeled my heart outwardly through music. (Hence my audiophile ways.) Even still, sitting in front of a piano and playing and singing -- just for myself -- takes away the stress like nothing else can.

Quickly, maybe simultaneously, came books and reading.
I remember memorizing Ferdinand the Bull--but making my mom read it to me, regardless. And I'd say the words along with her. Then, as I got older, I got lost in books. I explored Narnia with the Pevensie children, I got lost in the frozen wilderness with the boy in Hatchet, I learned what to and fro of the world with Wilbur and Charlotte, I rejoiced and sorrowed with Jo and Laurie, I sought for equality with Atticus Finch and Boo Radley, chuckled at the opulence of Gatsby's mansion, and generally just escaped reality.

It was through books that I was able to understand my own problems -- through the experiences of others, to escape the sadness or mundanity of my own world in the freedom and fun of another, to learn the joy of the written word and discover what I wanted to do with my life.

These are just three of my "first loves". 

So, my friends ...
What was your first love?


whaaaa??? i gotta go change my facebook status!!!!

Feb 3, 2010

I have an embarrassing confession to make.
I am FASCINATED by Kanye West.

I think he's such an ...interesting/crazy/stupid/narcissistic... man.
I will admit I like some of his music.
But more than anything -- he appeals to the people watcher in me ... always wanting to know kind of crazy shenanigan or stupid comment he's going to pull next. 
(And he says some of the stupidest things known to man -- making me laugh at how truly ignorant one person can be.)

Well, I also LOVE stand-up comedy.
And after reading Morgan's blog today -- I checked out more of Aziz Ansari.
(I recognized him from Scrubs and Parks & Rec.)
And found these little GEMS.
I love his impression of his cousin. 

Makes me wanna go rent Funny People.
He also does a wicked impression of R.Kelly...which you can find on Morgan's blog today.

I hope all of your middle of the week Wednesdays went splendidly.

it's weekend update ... not with seth meyers ... or amy poehler

Feb 2, 2010

This weekend I:
  • Finished my SUPER COOL DIY frame project. Bought cheap frames, paint, laquer, and well -- transformed part of my wall. (Pictures to come) 
  • Took care of a sick boyfriend. Granted that mostly entailed letting him be and not bugging the ever living crap outta him (my words, not his). 
  • Bought Oceans 13 for FOUR DOLLARS. Yeah, suckers, deal finder here.  
  • Laughed HYSTERICALLY at my family's rendition of Facebook doppleganger week. 
    • One younger brother put up Kevin James (accurate). 
    • My mom put up Professor Trelawney from Harry Potter [movie form] (pretty accurate except the round glasses and frizzy hair -- but my mom is ringer for Julia Roberts but hates her so that's not gonna happen). 
    • My dad and his twin brother put EACH OTHER (classic!!) -- but then my dad put Jack Nicholson (pretty accurate without the creepfesto grin). 
    • And my other brother put up a Pokemon (hahahahahaha). 
    • (My 12 year old sister has no facebook -- but she looks like Mae Whitman.)
  • RIPPED not one, but TWO pairs of shoes. One pair of heels, one pair of flats. And the heels were only 3 months old and GORGEOUS. Now I need new plain black heels. 
  • Enjoyed the sun finally making an appearance in Oregon after a couple weeks of not seeing each other. 
  • Ate Chinese food for my second time since being in Eugene (excluding Panda Express). I love having someone in my life who knows all the good places in town.
  • Made french toast with the uber thick Texas Toast bread -- the only way to go. Yeah, brinner might be one of the best things on the entire planet.
  • Spent some serious time exploring Etsy and falling in love with SO many things.
  • Started making Valentine's day plans. WEIRD. (Good weird, but still.)
  • ROCKED a side pony in an actual classy fashion. 
  • Lost one of my (fake-o) pearl earrings under the machinery in the control room at work. Whoops! At least it wasn't one of my real ones. 
  • Found and ate a couple Cadbury's cream eggs -- which are even better than girl scout cookies. Freaking Cadbury's -- I'd eat them til I die.
  • OH! Boyfriend {I need to find a "nomer" for him on here} and I built a blanket fort and watched Food Network. HOLLA! 
  • Mocked Lady Gaga for pretty much just being Lady Gaga. She is a ridiculous no-talent wack job. Sorry if you like her and all, but she is so far away from being near my cup of tea she's like motor oil to my tea.
  • Decided to buckle down and finally figure out what/how to tumblr. It's on my Day Zero list. If you wanna find me over there -- it's seriously a hodge podge of randomness {kinda how I am in real life -- a whole lotta short attention span mixed with OOO Shiny and/or unique and fun!}. It's here.
  • Scammed on Harlem Globetrotters tickets. I'm going...I mean, we're going no matter what.
  • Babysat my favorite little non-related-to-me girls, Lexi and Kaya. Oh Lexi has the funniest things to say about life. She is a HOOT. And Kaya and I just share a special bond. They call me "Non." And always say "Love ooo Non," when I leave or when they do. I love them SO MUCH. 
  • Had the most VIVID and weird dream about having to escort Sarah Palin around Eugene and take her to blacklight mini golf & get her pizza. And in the end of the dream she was doing my hair into the standard Palin chignon. SERIOUSLY. And when I told boyfriend, all he had to say was "Hollllaaaa. She is one good lookin old lady." Oh yes. He's got a thing for her unless she's talking -- which is ALWAYS.
I hope you all had LOVELY weekends.
And that we all have FANTABULOUS sunshine and blue skies-filled weeks.