it'll get to you...

Mar 17, 2009

in a discussion at institute we discussed how eugene gets to you. it really does. look at me:

i wear nike... i recycle... i actually notice and (shocklingly) care what is going on in the track world... rain is an everyday occurence... i love the big oregon 'o' ... running is a right of passage...

oh my. i'm a eugenie weenie.


  1. Ha ha :) Don't you love it? The only bad part is moving from Eugene to someplace like Provo and realizing that recycling is ridiculously difficult and expensive outside of the green cities...

  2. I want to wear nike and recycle! go siovan!

  3. Bring on the Eug.
    Secret: My nanny's neighborhood recycles, so I bring my paper and plastic with me to work. No one else knows that! What sneaky earth women we are...


i've said my piece, now you get to say yours...