oh yeah, i forgot...

Jun 12, 2011

We're gonna start today with a little quiz:
what's black and white and red all over...just kidding.

Anyone know this gorgeous skyline?

My friends, this is the lovely city of Boston, MA.
The place my family has lived not too far away from for the last 13 years.This is where I spent my high school years, much of middle school, and where I gained a good chunk of knowledge about life, people, and the pursuit of sports happiness (GO SOX!).

Now, does anyone know this also stunning skyline?

This is the lovely city of Dallas, TX.
My family is moving to Dallas within the next few months!This is a very big new adventure for our awesome family (Well, Mom, Dad and Mikaela...since the rest of us are out of the house)! And while I won't actually live in Dallas (at least not yet), I couldn't be more excited for them!! I never talked about it on here but my dad was laid off in January and this new job offers him the chance to do something he loves in a place he's excited to be.
(I found out he got the job on my birthday -- so one of my biggest birthday wishes was granted!)

I can't wait to go visit them! And eat as much BBQ as I possibly can.

Weirdest part(s) for me? When I go "home" it'll be to a house I've never seen before. hah. And the next time I visit Boston I'll have to stay in a hotel or something. Totally worth it.

Dad! I'm so proud of you!
And Mom, Dad and Mik (as well as Ben and Braden) I'm crazy excited for this new adventure. I love you!


  1. Oh my gosh that is awesome! I was actually just thinking about your dad this last week and wondering if he'd found a job yet. Ahhh I'm so happy for you guys!!

  2. Congratulations to your dad!! And welcome to TEXAS to your family! It's a great place!!!

  3. um NO you are not staying in a hotel... you will let me know and we can stay at my inlaws in wellesley :) hooray for your daddy getting a job in Texas!!! (just dont start rooting for the rangers or anything crazy!)


i've said my piece, now you get to say yours...