i'll be home for christmas. literally.

Dec 23, 2010

So I've had a half written post stuck in my drafts for days. 
This is still not it. 

But this IS my I'm-so-excited-to-go-home-and-see-my-family-for-the-first-Christmas-in-two-years post. 

See this house? 
This is gonna be what it looks like when I get in tomorrow night.

Isn't it adorable?
I love this place. I can't wait to play my piano, sit on the couch in a blanket with my sister, talk about books with my baby brother, sit on the floor of the kitchen and talk to my mom as she cooks (-- or maybe help her cook :P), and to watch football with my dad, and to talk to my little brother on the phone in Nicaragua!
Also, to see New England snow again. I haven't seen real snow in nearly two years! That's crazy business!

But I will say, I'm going to miss Pat an awful lot. I know it sounds silly, but we spend very few days apart and this is the time you're supposed to be with your loved ones -- and he's for sure my loved one. I wish he was coming with me. But I know it's just a few days and we'll soon be together again. I love that guy. 
(And hopefully I can teach him how to Skype so we can talk face to face on Christmas Day!) 
Plus, I bought him Nerf guns (among some other things) and I cannot wait to play with them. They have glow i the dark suction darts!

Also--check this out: 
tiny me opening presents.
Or I really should say: tiny me playing with wrapping paper. 
That's still what my hair looks like when I wake up on Christmas day.

I hope your days leading up to Christmas are treating you well. 
I love you all lots. Sincerely. 

warmest christmas wishes,


  1. what a beautiful new england picturesque home. enjoy your time with family and chatting with your brother. merry christmas to the boltons.

  2. you are adorable. and I'm wicked jealous you're in my favorite place!

  3. I miss your house. Nearly as much as I miss mine. And I miss your family. I hope Christmas was super fun for you. :) And thanks for texting me on Christmas. That was fun.

    Also, it's not silly to miss Pat; I'd probably be concerned if you didn't. ;)

  4. I live to read you blog... just so you know. (Really I live to see your face and hear your laugh but those have been sadly out of reach for far too long!)

  5. I want to visit your house when it's snowing. It looks beautiful! Hope you had a great time at home :)


i've said my piece, now you get to say yours...