For the three people who still read this thing, I owe the long story (made only a little short) of how my husband (!!!) and I met.
It would be awfully poetic to be able to tell you our eyes locked from across the room and in that instant we knew.
But, we can't.
The truth is our eyes locked on photos of each other on our respective screens. That's right folks, we met on the internet.
I spent days staring at and re-reading Daniel's profile debating saying 'hi.' Daniel was less shy; he checked my profile a few times before sending the first message. (I think it was something eloquent like, "Hey, how's it going?" (Which he still asks when he calls me during the day.))
From there quick notes turned into lengthy letters (I think our record was 5 pages) until Daniel asked if we should just talk for real and asked for my number. Feeling bold (and twitterpated), I sent it.
That first phone call lasted seven hours. SEVEN.
It should be said, I hate the phone.
Yep, loathe entirely fits. I only talk to my immediate family, aunt Kirsten, and soul-sister Naomi for more than 10 minutes. Other than that, text me.
Anyway, after some sleep, we met in person for the first time the next day. We've been inseparable ever since.
In most relationships you tiptoe around using the words 'we' or 'us' and are tentative in talking about the future. But for us, it has always kind of felt like a given.
We talked about marriage early on. We picked out a ring and I was lead to believe the engagement would happen around July 4th (one of my favorite holidays).
It was all an elaborate ruse.
Daniel popped the question three weeks before that at the Dallas World Aquarium right in front of the otters (my favorite!). He even had a silver jewelry box inscribed with lyrics from 'our song' to do it (cue the AWWWWW!). I was stunned. Instead of immediately saying yes, I asked if this was real and if I actually got to wear the ring home. He laughed. Then I complained about not having washed my hair. He told me I still hadn't answered. And I said the easiest 'yes' of my life.
We got hitched last month and now I'm learning how to be a wife. Crazy.
I'm constantly amazed at the plan God had for me versus the plan I had for myself. His is so much better. I'm so glad somewhere along the line I got it through my thick skull to see what He wanted for my life instead of my own shortsighted plans.