it's the little things.

Aug 21, 2011

Bloggy loves, I am feeling exhausted.
It has been a long week.
{I can't believe it's only been one week, in fact.}

So, I'm going to share some of my favorite things right now.

Getting to see my family last week. Yep! That's why I was cryptic and MIA, I took a surprise trip to Boston.

{My sister is so grown up! She's so pretty!}

The fair, which means fair food like funnel cake, corn dogs and cotton candy
Laughing Cow Cheese
Diet Coke (when is that not on the list?!)

A new tie-dyed Peace, Love, Lobstah shirt from Boston. 

Pinterest (you can come pin with me! click on the link over there <--)
My comfy bed and sheets
Pebble ice
All the jewelry Braden sent to me from Nicaragua
My new jeans, especially the flares--they feel like jammies!
Makeup that actually matches my pasty white skin 

This awesome cover:

I like it better than the original.

Glamour magazine
New crayons
Good smelling shampoo
My smartphone
Texts from my parents and sister
The smell of summer
My highlighter green shirt and new pink wedges
My revamped layout

What are some of your current faves?

p.s. blogger is trippin on this entry's layout. sorry!!


  1. I'm diggin' Pinterest too! Such fun.

    Bright red lipstick.

  2. loooove me some super bass :) definately one of my favs. and that radio song by gym class heros. music is the BEST! oh, and utah peaches :)


i've said my piece, now you get to say yours...