10 Day You Challenge: Books

Apr 3, 2011

Four Books (um, only four? eek.)
  1. Night by Elie Wiesel — this book will change your life. It will disturb you, make you cry, make you think and, hopefully, make you a better person.
  2. The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner — this book changed how I saw, felt about and understood literature. there are so many styles, thoughts, and ways of communicating all contained in one book…it’s utterly mind-blowing.
  3. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott — this is one of my very favorites.
  4. Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert —i.hate.this.book. in fact, that’s why it made my list. i don’t hate it because it’s awful, or without merit — i hate it because i started reading it at the same time i was going through something hauntingly similar to what she was writing about. it was SCARY accurate. and i’d stop reading and each time i picked it back up…my life mirrored what i was reading. still, i’d recommend it to people.

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