10 Day You Challenge: Secrets

Mar 28, 2011

Ten Secrets
  1. At the end of my high school career my best friend Holly and I did an interpretive dance mockery to Clay Aiken's "Invisible" for a church Senior Showcase.
  2. I have a hard time doing ANYTHING unless there's background noise.
  3. I've lived in 7 different cities and 13 or so homes/apartment complexes in my life.
  4. When I get home every night it usually takes me about 3 minutes for me to be in sweats.
  5. In my bouts of apartment hunting during my time post-grad, I've fallen in love with 3 different places, only to find out that each was a retirement community. 
  6. My favorite writing medium is napkins. I LOVE it. They're so cushy and great and my handwriting looks awesome on them.
  7. I've never had the desire to be a huge partier. It's just not my scene.
  8. I'm starting to think I'm an introvert with extrovert tendencies. 
  9. I LOVE NBC. I watch more of their general nightly programming than any other station. (Although, I do habitually also watch Modern Family, How I Met Your Mother and Big Bang Theory.) 
  10. I had more fun at the Blazers' game than I ever had at a Jazz or Celtics game.


  1. agreed with you about NBC! Along with Modern Family and How I Met Your Mother. Love those shows.

  2. I love that we were so awesome in high school. It was like we had a jumpstart on college and the hereafter.

    And I think I'm becoming an extrovert with introvert tendencies. Perhaps we've somehow switched bodies?


i've said my piece, now you get to say yours...